6 obstacles that prevent you from succeeding and making money

6 obstacles that prevent you from succeeding and making money
succeeding and making money

Pursuing your passion can be an effective and meaningful way of creating wealth and abundance in your life. Your degree of happiness is influenced by the activities you choose to engage in during the day. These activities should give you energy and delight.

But creating an income stream can be challenging, especially when your options are limited to things you already love to do. There are a few obstacles that commonly get in the way when attempting to turn your passion into a career. Fortunately, there is often a solution!

Manage these challenges and earn a living in a meaningful and exciting way:

1.      A lack of commitment. Any entrepreneur will tell you that making a living on your own is much more challenging. If you work in an office, you are still compensated when you use the restroom, grab a cup of coffee, or browse the internet. If you’re a one-person show, that’s often not the case.

·         The labor necessary to achieve success might be difficult and time-consuming. Luckily, employment won't feel like work if you've chosen an area that genuinely interests you. Enjoy yourself, but understand there can be long days ahead.

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·         It may take some time to get the outcomes you want, even if your field of interest leads to traditional work. Changing fields often means starting over again at the bottom. Commitment and patience are often required to reach the top.

2.      Right field but wrong career. You might love fishing, but dislike the rigors of competitive fishing. You might be happier designing fishing lures or being a fishing guide. Not everyone that loves kids would enjoy owning a daycare. Think about all the options available to you and choose wisely.

·         Any field has a variety of strategies to generate income.

3.      A lack of focus on value creation. You might know a lot and be a great person, but if you want to be paid, it’s necessary to provide value to someone. How you can use your passion to provide real value to others?

4.      Self-sabotage. Are you uncomfortable with the thought of earning money by providing assistance to others? Remember, your doctor and mechanic are helping others and earning an income. Professionals make their living by exploiting the difficulties and ignorance that the ordinary population faces.

·         Be comfortable charging for your products, services, and time. You deserve to earn money when you’re providing value to others.

5.      A lack of assertiveness. Whether you’re changing fields or starting a business, it’s important to be able to set boundaries. It's also critical to have the ability to request what you require. Accept the audacity needed to succeed.

6.      Getting advice from the wrong people. Your high school friend might be vice-president at a pharmaceutical company, but that doesn’t mean he has a clue about selling kites online. Someone's success in one industry does not imply that they are knowledgeable about your industry or line of work.

·         Seek out advice from those who have accomplished what you want to accomplish. That’s why finding a mentor can be so important. Parents, friends, and neighbors are often not a good resource for career-related decisions.

Earning money with an activity that fills you with joy and enthusiasm is a worthy pursuit. However, there can be obstacles along the way. Long-term success depends on your ability to identify barriers and deal with them successfully. Avoid giving up when encountering a bump in the road.


You may pursue your passion and succeed at the same time!

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