How to Increase Your E-commerce Sales with Email Marketing

How to Increase Your E-commerce Sales with Email Marketing
 E-commerce Sales with Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to boost your e-commerce sales. According to a study by DMA, email marketing has an average ROI of 4200%, meaning that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect to get $42 back. That's a huge return on investment that you don't want to miss out on.

But how do you use email marketing to increase your online sales? What are the best practices and strategies to follow? How do you measure and improve your email marketing performance?

In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will show you how to grow your e-commerce business with email marketing, using clear and concise language, logical structure, and relevant examples and data. We will also provide you with a FAQ section at the end of the article, where you can find answers to some of the most common questions related to email marketing and e-commerce.

Ready to learn more? Let's get started!

Why Email Marketing is Good for E-commerce

Before we dive into the how-to part, let's first understand why email marketing is so beneficial for e-commerce businesses. Here are some of the main reasons why email marketing can help you increase your online sales:

  • Email marketing helps you build trust and loyalty with your customers. Email is a personal and direct way to communicate with your audience. You can use email to share valuable information, offer discounts and deals, ask for feedback, and provide customer service. By doing so, you can establish a long-term relationship with your customers and increase their trust and loyalty.
  • Email marketing helps you drive more traffic to your website. Email is a great way to remind your customers about your brand and products. You can use email to send newsletters, product updates, blog posts, and other relevant content that can entice your customers to visit your website. By driving more traffic to your website, you can increase your chances of converting them into buyers.
  • Email marketing helps you increase your conversion rate and average order value. Email is a powerful tool to persuade your customers to take action. You can use email to send targeted and personalized messages based on your customers' behavior, preferences, and purchase history. You can also use email to create a sense of urgency, scarcity, and exclusivity that can motivate your customers to buy. By doing so, you can increase your conversion rate and average order value.
  • Email marketing helps you reduce your cart abandonment rate. Cart abandonment is a common problem for e-commerce businesses. According to a study by Baymard Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.57%. That means that more than two-thirds of your potential customers leave your website without completing their purchase. Email marketing can help you reduce this rate by sending cart abandonment emails that remind your customers of what they left behind and encourage them to complete their purchase.
  • Email marketing helps you increase your customer retention and repeat purchases. Email marketing is not only about acquiring new customers, but also about retaining and nurturing your existing ones. You can use email marketing to send post-purchase emails that thank your customers, ask for reviews, offer cross-sells and upsells, and invite them to join your loyalty program. By doing so, you can increase your customer retention and repeat purchases.

As you can see, email marketing can help you achieve various goals and benefits for your e-commerce business. But how do you implement email marketing effectively? Let's find out in the next section.

How to Grow Your E-commerce Business with Email Marketing

Now that you know why email marketing is good for e-commerce, let's see how you can use it to grow your online sales. 

Here are some of the best practices and strategies to follow:

Build Your Email List

The first step to successful email marketing is to build your email list. You need to have a list of subscribers who have given you permission to send them emails. You can't just buy or rent a list of random email addresses and expect to get results. That's not only ineffective, but also illegal and unethical.

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So how do you build your email list? Here are some of the most common and effective ways to do it:

  • Offer a lead magnet. A lead magnet is a free and valuable offer that you give to your website visitors in exchange for their email address. For example, you can offer a discount code, a free trial, a free ebook, a free consultation, or a free webinar. Make sure that your lead magnet is relevant to your niche and audience, and that it solves a problem or provides a benefit for them.
  • Use a pop-up or a landing page. A pop-up or a landing page is a web page that appears when your website visitors perform a certain action, such as scrolling, clicking, or exiting. You can use a pop-up or a landing page to display your lead magnet and capture your visitors' email address. Make sure that your pop-up or landing page is eye-catching, clear, and concise, and that it has a strong call to action.
  • Use social media. Social media is a great way to reach and engage with your potential customers. You can use social media to promote your lead magnet and drive traffic to your website, pop-up, or landing page. You can also use social media to create contests, giveaways, quizzes, polls, and live events that can generate leads for your email list.
  • Use other channels. Besides your website and social media, you can also use other channels to grow your email list. For example, you can use your blog, podcast, YouTube channel, guest posts, webinars, events, or referrals to attract and collect email subscribers.

Whatever method you use to build your email list, make sure that you follow the best practices of email marketing, such as:

  • Use a reputable email service provider (ESP). An ESP is a software that helps you create, send, and manage your email campaigns. You need to use a reputable ESP that can ensure the deliverability, security, and compliance of your emails. Some of the most popular ESPs are Mailchimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, ConvertKit, and Sendinblue.
  • Use a double opt-in process. A double opt-in process is a method that requires your subscribers to confirm their email address before they can receive your emails. This helps you avoid spam complaints, bounce rates, and invalid email addresses. It also helps you increase the quality and engagement of your email list.
  • Segment your email list. Segmenting your email list means dividing your subscribers into smaller groups based on their characteristics, behavior, or preferences. For example, you can segment your email list by location, age, gender, purchase history, interests, or activity. This helps you send more relevant and personalized emails to your subscribers, which can improve your open rate, click-through rate, and conversion rate.
How to Grow Your E-commerce Business with Email Marketing
E-commerce Business with Email Marketing

Create Your Email Campaigns

The next step to successful email marketing is to create your email campaigns. An email campaign is a series of emails that you send to your subscribers with a specific goal and message. For example, you can create an email campaign to welcome your new subscribers, to promote a new product, to announce a sale, or to nurture your leads.

There are many types of email campaigns that you can create for your e-commerce business, but 

here are some of the most common and effective ones:

  • Welcome email. A welcome email is the first email that you send to your new subscribers after they join your email list. It's a great opportunity to introduce yourself, thank them, and set their expectations. You can also use a welcome email to offer a discount, a free gift, or a bonus to encourage them to make their first purchase.
  • Newsletter. A newsletter is a regular email that you send to your subscribers to keep them updated and engaged with your brand and products. You can use a newsletter to share valuable information, tips, news, stories, or content that can educate, entertain, or inspire your subscribers. You can also use a newsletter to showcase your products, offer deals, or announce events.
  • Promotional email. A promotional email is an email that you send to your subscribers to persuade them to buy your products or services. You can use a promotional email to launch a new product, offer a discount, create a bundle, or provide a free shipping. You can also use a promotional email to create a sense of urgency, scarcity, or exclusivity that can motivate your subscribers to act fast.
  • Cart abandonment email. A cart abandonment email is an email that you send to your subscribers who have added products to their cart but have not completed their purchase. You can use a cart abandonment email to remind them of what they left behind, offer a discount, provide social proof, or

answer their questions or objections. You can also use a cart abandonment email to create a sense of urgency, scarcity, or exclusivity that can motivate your subscribers to act fast.

  • Post-purchase email. A post-purchase email is an email that you send to your subscribers after they have made a purchase from your website. You can use a post-purchase email to thank them, confirm their order, provide tracking information, ask for feedback, or request a review. You can also use a post-purchase email to offer cross-sells and upsells, invite them to join your loyalty program, or refer a friend.
  • Re-engagement email. A re-engagement email is an email that you send to your subscribers who have become inactive or unresponsive. You can use a re-engagement email to remind them of your brand and products, offer a discount, provide value, or ask for feedback. You can also use a re-engagement email to clean your email list and remove the subscribers who are no longer interested in your emails.
  • Whatever type of email campaign you create, make sure that you follow the best practices of email marketing, such as:

    • Write a catchy subject line. Your subject line is the first thing that your subscribers see when they receive your email. It's also the main factor that determines whether they open your email or not. You need to write a catchy subject line that grabs their attention, sparks their curiosity, and entices them to click. You can also use emojis, personalization, or numbers to make your subject line more appealing.
    • Use a clear and compelling copy. Your copy is the content of your email that conveys your message and persuades your subscribers to take action. You need to use a clear and compelling copy that speaks to your subscribers' needs, wants, and pain points. You also need to use a friendly and conversational tone, simple and concise language, and powerful words and phrases.
    • Include a strong call to action. Your call to action (CTA) is the button or link that you want your subscribers to click on after reading your email. It's also the main goal of your email campaign. You need to include a strong call to action that tells your subscribers exactly what you want them to do and why they should do it. You also need to make your call to action visible, clickable, and urgent.
    • Optimize your email design. Your email design is the visual appearance of your email that affects your subscribers' impression and experience. You need to optimize your email design to make it attractive, readable, and responsive. You also need to use a consistent and branded layout, colors, fonts, and images. You can use HTML tags, such as

        1. , , , , , etc., to create paragraphs, headings, lists, links, images, and other elements in your email.
        2. Test and optimize your email campaigns. Testing and optimizing your email campaigns is the process of experimenting with different elements of your email campaigns to find out what works best and improve your results. You can use tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Guinrank, or Semrush to measure and analyze your email marketing performance. You can also use tools like Mailchimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, ConvertKit, or Sendinblue to conduct A/B testing, which is a method of comparing two versions of your email campaigns to see which one performs better.


      Email marketing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to increase your e-commerce sales. It can help you build trust and loyalty with your customers, drive more traffic to your website, increase your conversion rate and average order value, reduce your cart abandonment rate, and increase your customer retention and repeat purchases.

      To grow your e-commerce business with email marketing, you need to follow these steps:

      1. Build your email list. Use a lead magnet, a pop-up or a landing page, social media, and other channels to attract and collect email subscribers. Use a reputable email service provider, a double opt-in process, and segment your email list.
      2. Create your email campaigns. Use different types of email campaigns, such as welcome email, newsletter, promotional email, cart abandonment email, post-purchase email, and re-engagement email, to communicate and persuade your subscribers. Write a catchy subject line, use a clear and compelling copy, include a strong call to action, optimize your email design, and test and optimize your email campaigns.

      By following these steps, you can leverage the power of email marketing to grow your online sales and achieve your e-commerce goals.


      Here are some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to email marketing and e-commerce:

      How can email marketing increase online store sales?

      Email marketing can increase online store sales by helping you build trust and loyalty with your customers, drive more traffic to your website, increase your conversion rate and average order value, reduce your cart abandonment rate, and increase your customer retention and repeat purchases.

      How to grow your e-commerce business with email marketing?

      To grow your e-commerce business with email marketing, you need to build your email list, create your email campaigns, and measure and improve your email marketing performance.

      Is email marketing good for e-commerce?

      Email marketing is good for e-commerce because it has a high return on investment, a large and engaged audience, and a direct and personalized communication channel.

      How do you get e-commerce results with email marketing?

      You get e-commerce results with email marketing by following the best practices and strategies of email marketing, such as: 1-Offering a lead magnet, such as a discount code, a free trial, or a free ebook, to attract and collect email subscribers. 2-Segmenting your email list based on your subscribers’ characteristics, behavior, or preferences, to send more relevant and personalized messages. 3-Sending different types of email campaigns, such as welcome email, newsletter, promotional email, cart abandonment email, post-purchase email, and re-engagement email, to communicate and persuade your subscribers. 4-Creating a sense of urgency, scarcity, or exclusivity in your emails, to motivate your subscribers to act fast and buy your products or services. 5-Testing and optimizing your email campaigns, using tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Guinrank, or Semrush, to measure and improve your email marketing performance and conversion.

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